Continued From Alphabetical Listing A-L
@ |
 | Title
Category |
Kneumsi Rating |
Summary |
Movie |
Dog! |
Big Mac and You! |
Movie |
3 Stars |
When it's got to be done, hire the BLADE! |
| |
Movie |
2.5 Stars |
Madness... takes its toll... As do Lullabies! |
| |
Movie |
4 Stars |
Amid the Chaos comes ONE GOOD COP! |
| |
Movie |
2 Stars |
If you can't take THE HEAT... stay out of the MAFIA! |
| |
Movie |
2 Stars |
It's like TCM... only it's not any good! |
Movie |
4 Stars |
Get ready to dance with a wolf, Dumbledore's gone Native! |
Movie |
2 Stars |
Attack of the Western Fish Man! (Or... a man called Fish) |
Movie |
4 Stars |
Not as good as the original... but good! |
Movie |
2.5 Stars |
A vapid, dated adaptation of Red Dragon! |
Movie |
2 Stars |
Blood, gore, gore, blood, mannequins, mom, blood, gore, gore blood! |
Movie |
Dog! |
How does one follow up Fat Wednesday through Monday??? |
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
Low budget but great Musician against Mob actioner! |
Movie |
4 Stars |
Proves Fat ugly men (like me) can find love too! |
Movie |
Dog! |
When Beautiful Models find themselves Stranded in a Prehistoric Wasteland...
Movie |
3 Stars |
Capering Criminals, Sad Salesmen in bars and LOTS of Bull! |
Movie |
4 Stars |
Here's a match for you... Woody Allen and the Suspense Thriller! |
Movie |
4 Stars |
Con Man's fairy tale with a Frenzy twist! |
Movie |
4.5 Stars |
Now this is a Sci-Fi movie! |
Movie |
4 Stars |
Neo redefines that which is possible! |
TV Cartoon |
3 Stars |
Forgotten gem of a silly cartoon show!
Movie | 3.5 Stars |
The Most Evil Villain Ever to... wait, WHAT?
Movie | 3.5 Stars |
One of the most beautiful movies ever made.
Movie | 3.5 Stars |
If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go stare at some Bengal Cats!
Music Concert |
4 Stars |
Ultra-Heavy triple bill... one of the best EVER!
Movie |
3 Stars |
Where the Sunflowers of EVIL grow! |
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
Good if undisciplined heavy metal documentary! |
Music |
3 Stars |
Linkin Park releases Hybrid Theory II!
Movie |
4 Stars |
Alexandre Dumas' surprising lost novel! |
Movie |
4 Stars |
The Great Screen Hero in his Original Glory! |
TV |
4 Stars |
If Mystery Journalism has a Name, it must be JOSE CHUNG! |
Movie |
2.5 Stars |
I get the "Hunters" part, but... |
Movie |
4 Stars |
Kurt Russell as the Triumphant USA Hockey Coach! |
Movie |
4 Stars |
Peter Rabbit and his Friend's Friends! |
Movie |
3 Stars |
Count me in, because I've been MIST! |
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
And in the end, it's all just a walk in the clouds! |
Movie |
4.5 Stars |
Man... Now those are some HUGE... Shoes! |
Movie |
3 Stars |
Japanese Vampire Gangsters... Oh my! |
Movie |
3 Stars |
French Lesbians in a Harem from Beyond the Grave!!! |
Movie |
5 Stars |
I'm The Boy... Who Can Enjoy... INVISIBILITY!!! |
Movie |
5 Stars |
Comedy, Drama... NUDITY! |
Movie |
? ????? |
I have NO idea. |
Movie |
4 Stars |
Nobody gets murdered! The other part... |
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
I got my bandages to keep ME warm!!! |
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
He's got his bandages to keep HIM warm, too!!! |
Movie |
4.5 Stars |
Spielberg's account of the aftermath of the 1972 Munich Massacre! |
Movie |
2 Stars |
Mutation or Zombification? Who cares! |
Movie |
3 Stars |
The Slasher Thriller... with HEART! |
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
3-D Horror? Sure. 3-D Nudity? OH HELL YES! |
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
She's got a body of steel, looks like Uma and re-defines the "Mile High Club"... and she got DUMPED? |
Music Concert |
4 Stars |
Cyril, Aaron, Art, Charlie and even Ivan!
Music Concert |
4 Stars |
Slade the Leveler has STILL got it!!!
Movie |
3 Stars |
Expansive, beautifully photographed, yet somehow still lacking.
Movie |
DOG! |
Donald the Ripper in a lame, misogynistic Fulci Flick!
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
Wait... Somethin' Moved! |
Movie |
4 Stars |
Never abandon the Groom! |
Movie |
Dog! |
Ape Faced Serial Rapist Terrorizes Mexico! |
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
Frat Boy Zombies? Now THAT is scary! |
Movie |
Dog! |
Not Another Bigfoot Movie! |
Movie |
4 Stars |
The original Formula beats the band! |
Movie |
2.5 Stars |
Somewhat mediocre remake of a good movie! |
Movie |
2 Stars |
Terror Eyes and learning who Dies! |
Movie |
2 Stars |
Warning: Nightmares! |
Movie |
4 Stars |
Who Watches the Watchmen... at night? |
Movie |
Dog |
Zombie Terrorist jerks I hate. |
Movie |
2.5 Stars |
Hi, Dad... What's with the Blood Splash? |
Movie |
3 Stars |
The 2006 NCM Two Day Showing With "Freddy's Best Kills". |
Movie |
2.5 Stars |
Manicure time... cut him off! |
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
Knights in Brown Burlap! |
Movie |
3 Stars |
Serious, but hard to take Seriously... except for the Acting! |
Movie |
4.5 Stars |
For the First Time the Vampire walks Among Us! |
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
Terrifying and Stylistic Classic Remake! |
Movie |
4 Stars |
Comedy, Execution Style!!! |
Music |
4.5 Stars |
Inventive Metal that doesn't get it's due! Damn it!
TV |
2 Stars |
Unwise and unneeded American Remake of our Favorite Britcom! |
Movie |
4 Stars |
Ultraviolent Ultracool Ultramovie! (The Ultra Second in the Revenge Trilogy!) |
Movie |
4.5 Stars |
Birthmark of the Antichrist... and a HELL of a film! |
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
The day will come when all shall know him. He doesn't know him yet! |
Movie |
3 Stars |
Everyone knows him as the Mellodramatic Messiah! |
TV Movie |
There will come a Reckoning for this one! |
Movie |
2 Stars |
An Omen among Bad Horror Remakes |
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
Great until the last act. A bloody near miss! |
Movie |
3 Stars |
Night of the Living Crypt! |
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
Night of the Living Crypt! |
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
A Martially Artistic Movie. |
Movie |
2.5 Stars |
The best Shark movie since Jaws? Nah! That was Jaws 2!
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
Interesting Catholic Horror film; good in spite of flaws!
Movie |
2.5 Stars |
So So Japanese Video Game Tie-In.
Movie |
4 Stars |
Food, Folks and Fun!
Movie |
3 Stars |
Disturbing no matter which way you spell it!
Movie |
5 Stars |
No one should face the underworld alone!
Movie |
4 Stars |
A suprising and engrossing look at the West Bank from across the fence.
Movie |
3 Stars |
Nightmares Come with their own Baggage!
Movie |
2.5 Stars |
Well, it SUCKS, but... GIMME MOORE!
Movie |
5 Stars |
Mel Gibson's Triumph on the last of Christ's Life!
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
One more reason to really, really like Dick! |
Movie |
4.5 Stars |
UN Documentary reviewed by the Lovely and Talented Lynelle Lund (soon to be a Superman Costar!) |
Movie |
2.5 Stars |
Blood, Scares... Cheese. |
Movie |
5 Stars |
Lon Chaney, and his One in a Thousand Face! |
Movie |
4.5 Stars |
Against all odds, a Theatre Classic stuns on the screen! |
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
You've heard of THE LORD OF THE FLIES? Well, the 'Lady' isn't so bad! |
| Movie |
4.5 Stars |
Moving sad tale of hope and struggle in WW2 Poland!
Movie |
4 Stars |
Funny film about Thanksgiving gone horribly wrong! |
Movie |
Dog! |
Pig Movie is Turkey! |
Music Show |
4 Stars |
A concert Without the Band... but with one hell of a visual effect! |
Movie |
4.5 Stars |
Revitalizing Pirate movie featuring a Gay Johnny Depp!
Movie |
4 Stars |
The Chest that Launched a thousand ships... Okay, maybe four, but whoa! |
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
Can you survive the Maelstrom... of Calypso? |
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
Now back to the GOOD Part! |
Music Concert |
4.5 Stars |
A wave of mutilation! |
Movie |
DOG! |
Future events such as Flying Saucers shaped like Cigars will affect you in the future!
Movie |
2 Stars |
Inferior remake that should be Euthanized!
Movie |
3 Stars |
Movie |
5 Stars |
The greatest movie ever made!
Movie |
4.5 Stars |
THEY'RE (finally) HE-ERE!
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
The SCREAM before Scream!
| Movie |
3 Stars |
Eight Arms to Hold You!
Movie |
4 Stars |
The First, the MEANEST, the Toughest and the unstoppable! |
Movie |
2 Stars |
This sequel lacks the originality! |
Movie |
3 Stars |
The Ultimate Hunt... almost! |
Movie |
4.5 Stars |
Classy, romantic, smart, witty... HOTTER THAN THE SUN'S CORE! |
Movie |
2.5 Stars |
Gustave: THE MOST WANTED Croc in the WORLD! |
Movie |
4 Stars |
Warts and ALL, baby! |
Movie |
2 Stars |
Journey into the Jungles of Terror and watch Ursula Undress! |
Movie |
4 Stars |
It's never felt so good to feel so wrong. |
Book |
4.5 Stars |
Fascinating nonfiction about the OED. Not to be missed! |
Movie |
4 Stars |
Deep, Dark, Red, Profound, LETHAL!!! |
Movie |
3 Stars |
King, Queen... and SAUCY JACK! |
Movie |
2 Stars |
Ever put a Corsage on and accidently prick yourself? This is worse! |
Movie |
4 Stars |
The Prequel to Alien is a film all its own! |
Movie |
4.5 Stars |
A Brilliant Mockumentary from a truly Independent Spirit! |
Movie |
2.5 Stars |
Another Masked Slasher? FORK IT OVER! |
Movie |
5 Stars |
The Master of Suspense's Masterpiece! |
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
It's not the original, but what could be? |
Movie |
3 Stars |
Marvel's Revenge Master on Film (again). |
Movie |
Dog! |
Third Time's a HARM! |
Music Compillation |
4 Stars |
Best priced good CD in history, I'd wager!
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
How many licks DOES it take? |
Movie |
4 Stars |
After the world ends we still have LOVE TRIANGLES? |
Movie |
5 Stars |
Can you smell what the RAT is cookin'? |
Movie |
3 Stars |
Can you smell what the WENDIGO is cookin'? (Hint... it's you.) |
Movie |
Dog! |
Super Sketch! |
TV Episode |
4 Stars |
Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of... uh... who knows?! |
TV Episode |
4 Stars |
Does this Anagram make me look Fat? |
Movie |
3 Stars |
Take your Bloodbath in the Bay of Blood! |
Movie |
3 Stars |
Naked, Angry Zombies on Parade... Heads Will Roll! |
Movie |
4 Stars |
Retired, Extremely Dangerous and SEEING RED!!! |
Novel |
4 Stars |
Freaky Complex and almost there for Hannibal Lecter! |
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
A good adaptation, but Hollywood still reigns it in! |
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
Metal Detectors don't fix it all! This one will simply "Cill" you! |
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
You'll never know what hit you till you're covered in RED! |
Movie |
3 Stars |
Whose afraid of the BIG... BAD... WEREWOLF?! |
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
Post-Apocalyptic Dragons on Earth... doesn't suck!
Movie |
4.5 Stars |
Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes of excellence! |
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Or are you? |
Movie |
2.5 Stars |
Dumb Luck, Dumb Movie, Dumb Fun! I love it! |
Movie |
2.5 Stars |
Mad Maxine in the Land of the Borrowed Zombies of Tomorrow! |
Movie |
3 Stars |
Out of the Rabbit Hole, Alice Fights the FUture!!! |
Movie |
3 Stars |
Schlocky Goof of a Zombie Film completely aware of how silly it is!
Movie |
Dog! |
More Crap Cramps from Camp Hiltzik!
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
A Kick-Ass Japanese Actioner that borrows liberally from others!
Movie |
4 Stars |
A Zombie movie without... well... Zombies.
Movie |
4.5 Stars |
Really good Korean Remake of Japanese thriller!
Movie |
4 Stars |
Scary adaptation of a Japanese thriller.
Movie |
2.5 Stars |
Weak entry into an otherwise killer mythology!
Short Film |
3.5 Stars |
Sixteen Minutes of Samara Creepiness. |
Movie |
4.5 Stars |
Incredibly creepy Japanese thriller... one of the best!
Movie |
4 Stars |
Tom Ripley is on a Continental Caper, and he's funnier than you can believe!
Movie |
4.5 Stars |
Graphic Novel |
4 Stars |
Excellent Graphic Novel that inspired the movie!
Movie |
4 Stars |
Killer story of the Copper made of Chrome! Part Man, Part Machine, ALL COP!
Movie |
4.5 Stars |
Great fun, great acting, great animation!
Movie |
Dog! |
Bad from the HEAD all the way down to the... nothing.
Music Concert |
4 Stars |
An Rock Concert that was funny as hell. Intentionally!!!
Movie |
2 Stars |
Stylish, yet SILLY! |
Movie |
5 Stars |
Learning to Kill for Fun and Academia! |
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
Movie |
2.5 Stars |
A RIP in the EARTH!
Movie |
Dog! |
In every way... your Christmas Turkey!
Movie |
2 Stars |
She's more Machine now than Silverman! |
Music Concert |
4.5 Stars |
Two men, Twelve Strings and perfect hair (mine, that is). |
Movie |
2 Stars |
The Blade is Getting DULL. |
Movie |
2 Stars |
Okay, Okay, Okay... CUT! |
Movie |
4.5 Stars |
What pulls you down and what lifts you up. |
Book |
3.5 Stars |
Surrealistic other-worldly floating pirate city!
Movie |
2.5 Stars |
Anna's back... in the Revenge of Nanette Hibblefarb!
TV |
3 Stars |
The Golden Ages are all behind Mysteries, Inc. |
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
Super Villains vs. a Bass Player! |
Movie |
4 Stars |
When a GHOSTFACE Calls! |
Movie |
4 Stars |
And SCREAM Again! |
Movie |
3 Stars |
From a Woodsboro to a STAB! |
Movie |
3 Stars |
Movie |
4.5 Stars |
Three Crowns, One Horse... One Champion! |
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
They throw the BEST Damn Parties at the Rim of Hell! |
Movie |
5 Stars |
Firefly hits the big screen in an Excellent continuation to the Saga! |
Music Concert |
3 Stars |
With Adore, Blew Fluid and The Burdon Brothers! |
Movie |
Dog! |
Surefire Satanic Suckitude! |
Movie |
2 Stars |
He shoots from the three point line and... it goes out the window! |
Movie |
4 Stars |
Make Fun of Zombies... they won't mind! |
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
Seek and Ye Shall Find... ACTION! |
Movie |
4 Stars |
He Shines like the Top of the Chrysler Building! |
Movie |
3 Stars |
Marco... Po-loser! |
Movie |
4 Stars |
Shogun, will travel! |
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
Shotgun, still travels! |
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
Happiness is a Warm Gun! Bang Bang! Shoot Shoot! |
Movie |
4.5 Stars |
This one is definitely worth the three point shot!!! |
Movie |
4.5 Stars |
A great and farcical adventure! |
Movie |
4 Stars |
King Arthur... Lancelot... Merlin... Puss? |
Movie |
2 Stars |
Happy Jason Day, bitchez! |
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
Investigating the ISLAND OF MADNESS! |
Movie |
5 Stars |
Circumlocution... ask me later |
Movie |
DOG! |
the 2013 Christmas Turkey WANTS you to hate it! |
TV |
4.5 Stars |
The Episode Chimpans A through Z do NOT want you to see! |
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
D'OH! I mean... Woo-Hoo! |
Movie |
5 Stars |
For the first time, a Graphic Novel actually comes to life! |
Movie |
2 Stars |
Sorority House Murders... and Fully Clothed VENGEANCE! |
Music Concert |
4 Stars |
One of the best bands in the world, still on their game! |
TV |
4.5 Stars |
Six Feet Under is Happier than EVER in the Fourth Season Opener! |
Movie |
3 Stars |
So we're just ripping off ANY Japanese Horror now? |
Movie |
4.5 Stars |
The Future never looked so Cool, man! |
Movie |
4 Stars |
The Skyfall never Falls! |
Movie |
3 Stars |
Movie |
2 Stars |
Dream a Demonic Dream of Me! |
Movie |
2 Stars |
Trashy, cheap, derivative... and I love it! |
Movie |
4 Stars |
Billy Bob Thornton makes a name for himself... and it's Karl! |
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
Sci-Fi Horror Comedy about Alien Worm Zombie Martians... with heart! |
TV |
3 Stars |
Lex Luthor on an Island... hmmm. |
TV |
2 Stars |
Lex Luthor DEAD... hmmm. |
Movie |
3 Stars |
You can never be done with Snakes on a Plane! |
Movie |
DOG! |
It hurts less if you RIP IT OFF real fast! |
Movie |
DOG! |
Well, no, not really! |
Movie |
DOG! |
The Mystery Machine versus the Nazi Ghosts... with gay women! |
Movie |
4 Stars |
Something Tells Me I'm into Something HOT! |
Movie |
3 Stars |
The Deadbeat Dad leaves one Monster of a Scion on Skull Island! |
Movie |
4.5 Stars |
Nazis... She hates these guys! |
| |
Movie |
3 Stars |
Lex Luthor in a dress... hmmm. |
| |
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
Quantum Leap with Donnie Darko |
TV Series |
2.5 Stars |
Spandex-clad undead hero moans about ex-wife. The end! |
Movie |
3 Stars |
Hot Alien redefines "Chest Burster"! |
Movie |
3 Stars |
Revving up that Mach... 6? |
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
Psychological horrific romp of subtle insanity! |
Movie |
4 Stars |
Flawed, yet really, really good Super-Hero Film! |
Movie |
4 Stars |
Movie |
4 Stars |
When SCREAMS the City! |
Movie |
4 Stars |
For Goofy Goobers EVERYWHERE! |
Movie |
4.5 Stars |
It's a whale of a tale and it's all true, I swear by my squid-ink tattoo! |
Movie |
Dog! |
Nazis and Goofballs and Creeps (and naked women), OH MY! |
Music |
3 Stars |
Metallica comes back... almost! |
Movie |
DOG! |
Space Bikini Babes vs Country Robots and Weirdo Republicans! |
Movie |
DOG! |
Phone Home... Nah! HISSSSSSS! |
TV Episode |
3 Stars |
Rainbow is a Tough Guy now!!! |
TV Episode |
3.5 Stars |
Man... Brown Shirts in Space! |
TV Episode |
3.5 Stars |
John Chrichton and Aeryn Sun make it back to Earth! |
Movie |
4 Stars |
You can't nitpick! The Timeline was Altered. We're covered! |
TV Episode |
3.5 Stars |
Thank heaven for little girls....and some of the other sizes too! |
Movie |
3 Stars |
Classic Science Fiction Americana! |
Movie |
4.5 Stars |
K h a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a n ! |
TV Episode |
4 Stars |
Paradoxical Quantum Leap versus the Borg episode! |
TV Episode |
3 Stars |
(Second Season Finale) Enterprise versus idiotic enemy race! |
TV Episode |
3 Stars |
3rd season opens with a Star Wars rip off (or three)! |
TV Episode |
3.5 Stars |
Who knows? Maybe it's gettin' good! |
TV Episode |
3.5 Stars |
An excellent move forward... until the end screws it up! |
TV Episode |
2.5 Stars |
The Screw Up Continues with Alien Nazis! |
TV Episode |
3.5 Stars |
If you can't beat Stargate SG-1, make fun of 'em!!! |
Movie |
5 Stars |
TV Episode |
3.5 Stars |
Picard meets the BORG for the First Time! |
TV Episode |
4.5 Stars |
TV Episode |
4 Stars |
But... there's only ONE of you! |
TV Episode |
4 Stars |
TV Episode |
4 Stars |
It's in the Nature of the Borg... TO BE HOT!!! |
Movie |
5 Stars |
The Original... no Special Edition, no Jabba, no Ep 4, no Greedo Shooting First! |
Movie |
4.5 Stars |
See you later, Ani Vader! |
Movie |
5 Stars |
Movie |
4.5 Stars |
Continued this Clone War Has! |
Movie |
4 Stars |
Sleep, Dig, Listen when the Walls Speak! |
Movie |
4 Stars |
DUDE! This Chinese Dude totally got Kicked in the Nuts!
Movie |
4.5 Stars |
Grown-Up Fantasy Romance with a hell of a cast! |
Movie |
4 Stars |
Kurosawa proves the Film Noir isn't just for the USA!
Movie |
4 Stars |
Vote for me or I'll KICK YOUR ASS!
Movie |
3 Stars |
Expose on the Cast system of the Animal Kingdom!
Movie |
2.5 Stars |
It might have been unwise to put the word "Suck" in the title!
Movie |
3 Stars |
Incomplete but surprisingly funny Indie Film!
Movie |
4 Stars |
Polished and even funnier, Ricardo gets better as Opie Gets Laid! |
TV/ Music |
2 Stars |
Janet Jackson Flashes Football Fans!
Movie |
4 Stars |
Monsters on Film! |
Movie |
2 Stars |
So beautiful... such a waste! |
Movie |
4 Stars |
The Super Director is back with his original vision... ALMOST! |
Movie |
2.5 Stars |
A Super Parody of itself! |
Movie |
Dog! |
Super Intentions, Super Bad... Meet Krypto the Super DOG! |
Movie |
5 Stars |
Superman is Back, Intact and Well Worth the Wait!!! |
Movie |
4 Stars |
Superman can do ANYTHING... including fly out at you! |
Movie |
3 Stars |
Gnarly, Tubular, Cowabunga and all that! |
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
Plastic People and Promises and BARBIE GOES DOWN!!! |
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
Aw, the old Face in the Pie Gag! |
Movie |
4.5 Stars |
Chaste and artistic Love Story. Paced but fantastic. |
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
The highest earning South Korean film of all time... Starring Yunjin Kim, no less! |
Movie |
4.5 Stars |
The Revenge Trilogy evolves and slams shut. The final cut is the Deepest! |
Movie |
4 Stars |
The Revenge Tragedy that started the Trilogy... it's as deep as the cuts it makes. |
Movie |
3 Stars |
Super-dreamy agenda-rich Geopuppetmaster Geopolitical thriller. Flip a coin! |
Movie |
2 Stars |
Predictable Serial Killer Mystery with Jolie Naked! |
Book |
4 Stars |
Patricia Highsmith's Antagonistic Protagonist is creepy fun! |
Movie |
3 Stars |
Hello Kiddies, Want some REAL Zombies? EE-HE-HE-HE-HE-HE-HE!
Movie |
4 Stars |
Well Groomed with NO SPLIT ENDS!
Film(ed Puppet Show) |
4 Stars |
Brilliant! America, FUQUE YEAH!
TV Episode |
2.5 Stars |
DC's adolescent heroes act silly, sillier, silliest!
@ |
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
Slow Down... Enjoy the Ride... but remain standing! |
@ |
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
What if the Writer got it RIGHT? |
@ |
Movie |
4 Stars |
It's funny, it's violent, it's brilliant... and it also makes you think! |
Movie |
4 Stars |
He told you he'd be back... and he's jumping off the screen at you!
Movie |
4 Stars |
Days of Future Past... TERMINATED!
Movie |
DOG! |
One of the worst Bad Italian Rip Offs EVER made!!!
Movie |
3 Stars |
Contrived and derived cash cow manages to work reasonably well!
Movie |
3 Stars |
Rage, Rage against the Dying of the CYBORG!!!
TV |
3 Stars |
Can you travel to the future if there IS no Future?
Movie |
3 Stars |
Riding the Coaster to PERDITION!
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
Groundbreaking, Influential, Disturbing... fake.
Movie |
DOG! |
Leatherface is back... and he still sucks!
Movie |
DOG! |
Worse than a Barney and Friends Marathon!
Music |
4 Stars |
Two new songs spice up a pretty standard Hits Package! |
Movie |
4.5 Stars |
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
Crawling from the Ice, he's really someTHING!!!
Movie |
4 Stars |
Things to Come...!
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
More Things to Come...!
Movie |
Dog! |
Action Packed but quality limited B-Movie!
@ |
Movie |
4 Stars |
A Chick remake of Big that still manages to be gosh darned funny! |
Movie |
2.5 Stars |
Well acted, beautifully naked drama on Porn. Edited like porn too. |
Music Concert |
5 Stars |
Heavy, groovy, stylin'... 311 Rules! |
Music Concert |
3.5 Stars |
They've changed a lot... and then some. Just kidding! |
Movie |
DOG! |
Captain Turkey Vs. Spider-Ottoman! |
Movie |
4.5 Stars |
A truly original PsyPhi Klazzik for thinkers! |
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
Thunder and ROCK! |
Movie |
2 Stars |
Great Timing... Bad Apes! |
Movie |
2.5 Stars |
Headed for the '90s, livin' in the WIld, Wild West!! |
Movie |
4.5 Stars |
Scary, Nauseating and Wonderful Shakespeare Film! |
Movie |
4 Stars |
Fourth times a charm for the REAL Fantastic Four! |
Movie |
4 Stars |
Excellent Japanese Christmas Allegory! |
Movie |
4 Stars |
Cars Condensed, but in 3-D! |
Movie |
3 Stars |
Animated Hilarity from where the Music Man comes from! |
Movie |
2 Stars |
He's a tool all right |
Movie |
4 Stars |
Journey into the Madness of the Wastelands! |
Movie |
5 Stars |
Adventure, Action, Fun, Friends! |
Movie |
4 Stars |
Get this one in your sites! |
Movie |
4.5 Stars |
A compelling and rich story about A WOMAN WHO USED TO BE A MAN! (Was that too A Current Affair for you?) |
Movie |
2.5 Stars |
Toy Tie In Becomes Michael Bay Flick instead of EPIC! |
Movie |
DOG! |
Michael Bay's Target Pissing on a Franchise. THANK YOU, JACKASS! |
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
Meet Sam... his tricks are a TREAT! |
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
Fascinating but weird-as-Acid animated French film! |
Movie |
2.5 Stars! |
Weird as Hell but better than Troll 2! |
Movie |
Dog! |
THANKGIVING TURKEY that you won't be thankful for!!! |
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
The Video Space Race! |
Movie |
4 Stars |
Back to the GRID! |
Movie |
4.5 Stars |
Will the real Thugocrat please stand up? |
Movie |
4 Stars |
Zombie Thriller with a Medical twist! |
Music |
4 Stars |
John Murphy's Eerie score to a killer movie! |
@ |
TV Episode |
3 Stars |
Jack proves that Insomnia is not a sure path to Glory! |
@ |
TV Episode |
3.5 Stars |
More temporally disjointed than The Butterfly Effect! |
@ |
TV Episode |
4 Stars |
Gotta love that Jack... or he'll shoot you in a conference room!!! |
@ |
TV Episode |
3 Stars |
Like Jack's playing a video game he doesn't have the instructions for! |
@ |
TV Episode |
3.5 Stars |
Was that Jack walking off, or Bill Bixby? |
@ |
TV Episode |
3.5 Stars |
You just can't WHACK JACK! |
@ |
TV Episode |
3.5 Stars |
Jack is the WALKING DEAD. But that's just his acting! |
Movie |
4 Stars |
At least 29 Reasons to check out this Indie! |
@ |
Movie |
4.5 Stars |
Naomi Watts, Benicio Del Toro, Sean Penn! 'Nuff Said! |
@ |
Movie |
5 Stars |
The Cerebral Spectacle that NEVER gets old! |
@ |
Movie |
4 Stars |
Lucifer Rises... but this time that's not a bad, scary, nasty thing! |
Book |
3.5 Stars |
New take on a factual history of the real Mary!
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
Oliver Stone wants you to know he's SURREAL! |
Movie |
Dog! |
A Really, Really, Really Nasty Video Nasty!
Movie |
2 Stars! |
Almost a Video Nasty! How it escaped, I'll never know.
Movie |
3 Stars |
Zombie Dundee versus the Exhibitionist Aliens! |
Movie |
2.5 Stars |
It's a hell of a start, it could be made into a monster... |
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
Vampires versus Werewolves in a decent retread! |
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
The sequel breaks into its own with a bite and a growl. |
Movie |
Dog |
Actually I think the Hinge is lost. |
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
More Tales, More Sisters, Same Terror! |
Movie |
5 Stars |
Putting off that Vacation? Take it up now! |
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
The Mask has spoken! Remember, Remember the Fifth of November! |
Movie |
3 Stars |
Dare you pick up Haunting Hitchhikers in Rural England? YES! |
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
What better way to celebrate Halloween than with some Lesbian Vampires? Actually, they're good any day! |
Movie |
2 Stars |
Louisiana Horror doesn't get any better than this! And that's a shame! |
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
The Prophecy tells of Samurai, Yakuza, Zombies... and that's the normal part! |
Movie |
5 Stars |
The Downward Spiral into Suspense! |
Movie |
4 Stars |
In the woods beyond The Village… Shyamalama-ding-dong has done it again! |
Movie |
5 Stars |
Wrong us... do we not REVENGE? |
Movie |
2.5 Stars |
Lesbian Twins Frollicking at Wychwold! And this is EVIL? |
Movie |
2 Stars |
The Borg have better TASTE, man! |
Movie |
3 Stars |
Visiting Time is Over so we Walk Away! |
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
A John Holmes documentary... it's BIG! |
Movie |
4 Stars |
Learn... if you can! |
Movie |
4 Stars |
It's comin' 'round the Bend... Catch it! |
Movie |
4 Stars |
Stop! Motion time! |
Movie |
5 Stars |
WALL*E and EVE... populate EARTH! |
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
What to do when an old friend stops by and asks for a ride! |
Movie |
4 Stars |
Glide, walk or Swing into the Original Invasion!!! |
Movie |
2.5 Stars |
Let's just talk about the invaders, then. |
Movie |
4 Stars |
Spielberg's still got it, but so does his Banker! |
Movie |
3 Stars |
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? |
Music Concert |
5 Stars |
And if the Band you're in starts playing different tunes...
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
Fist of the North Star! |
Movie |
3 Stars |
Freedom isn't free... Appreciate what you've got! |
Novel |
3.5 Stars |
A Real Page Turner, and not the same old thing! |
Movie |
4.5 Stars |
What is THE WICKER MAN? The Answer might BURN YOU UP! |
Movie |
2 Stars |
Oh for Mother's Sake, just BURN HIM already!!! |
Movie |
2.5 Stars |
She came from the sea... and she's not going back! |
Movie |
4.5 Stars |
There's never been a Werewolf Thriller like The Wolf Man! And there may never be again! |
Movie |
3 Stars |
A Valiant Remake Attempt... but it still falls just short of the Bite. |
Movie |
2 Stars |
Who knows what Women lurk in the Cells of Prisons?! |
TV |
4.5 Stars |
Another Great show Euthanized! Die! |
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
Val Kilmer is Big John Holmes in this Violent bio-pic! |
Movie |
4 Stars |
Come out of the Closet, portal! |
Movie |
2.5 Stars |
Stan Turned out Wrong, but Eliza TURNs me on! |
TV |
3.5 Stars |
This time things came from ANOTHER world! |
TV |
4.5 Stars |
It came from Outer Space and JOSE CHUNG was there! |
Movie |
4 Stars |
Chest Bursting Aliens, Black Oil-Carrying Bees, Mad Bombers and Hot Red Heads... what more could anyone ask?
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
Back to Vancouver, Back to the Monster of the Week, Back to the Key of X!
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
Surprisingly good against all odds!
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
Mostly accurate X-Men Sequel |
Movie |
3 Stars |
The X-Men are Cool... But where's that X-Logic? |
Movie |
3 Stars |
I prefer to call 'em "CLAWS", Bub!
Movie |
4 Stars |
The best X-Film to DATE!
Movie |
2.5 Stars |
Be a Freak! Be VERY a Freak!
Movie |
2.5 Stars |
James Bond has little to worry about w/ this guy!
Movie |
4 Stars |
Hot Hot Hot Mexican smart drama!
Movie |
Dog! |
So, in the future we get Lame Superhero Rejects hunting bicycle reflectors?
Movie |
4 Stars |
Old People, less Passing a Stone than Slashing some Rock!
Movie |
2.5 Stars |
Zardoz Not Compute!!!
Movie |
2.5 Stars |
A space adventure like no other... except Jumanji!
Movie |
2.5 Stars |
Unofficial Romero Entry with Zombies and Boobs!
Movie |
DOG! |
Terrible Zombie Entry with no Boobs!
Movie |
DOG! |
Not much improvement and still no nudity!
Movie |
DOG! |
The worst of the Bunch... and still no nudity! |
Movie |
DOG! |
Completely unrelated... and no nudity! |
Movie |
DOG! |
Terrible movie... Hot Actress!
Movie |
DOG! |
The Dead Skinny Dip with the Living! |
Movie |
DOG! |
The bottom of the list... Not Just Alphabetically! |
Movie |
3.5 Stars |
Feeling Alive in the Land of the Dead! |